Monday, November 8, 2010

The beneficial websites teachers need

1. - Although this website may not be the greatest website for current teachers, for those of us looking for jobs it is a godsend.  I'm on the website almost daily hoping to find any new positions that may have opened up in the area.  Unfortunately, not all districts use the site.  But many do! The site is simply a great way to see all open positions and their locations quickly with a direct connect to the district posting.  It's also a good tool to demonstrate how helpful the internet can truly be when the desperation of finding a job continues to grow!

2. - This is a wonderful resource for teachers!  I signed up for the website newsletter, so every month I receive helpful teacher tips! The tips include fun worksheets for the students, different types of lesson plans, and hundreds of printable activities.  Since they are sent monthly they often coincide with what's going on that time of year.  If nothing else, the website gives many inspirations for teachers who may be experiencing a road block in their lesson planning.  I love the great ideas and helpful tools the website offers! You should absolutely check it out.

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Blog for Bean!

Hello! This is my first blog's for a class.  I never thought I'd have to learn this skill, but alas, here it is!